The course is organized annually in June. Registration for 2024 is closed and will re-open in 2025. You will find the recordings of ARVAC 2024 lectures at the end of this page.
ICAVT is a partnership of 35 vaccinology courses worldwide. Those trainings have a different history, background, content and audiences but they all have trained, over the years, altogether, thousands of experts in the area of vaccinology.
However, alumni from those various trainings have constantly requested to attend again the trainings they attended initially or other ones to update their knowledge as the vaccinology area is in constant evolution and changes thanks to a strong research pipeline and a rich and diverse implementation community.
Instead of allowing alumni to attend the trainings they already completed again or attend another course and therefore reduce the number of new experts trained, ICAVT members have agreed to jointly develop a single common refresher course dedicated to their alumni. This course provides annually the alumni from various background with lectures on the last updates on immunization and on new topics key for their daily activities.
Course objectives
The course aims at providing a refresher course and latest updates on immunization and vaccines to the alumni of the various existing advanced vaccinology training courses worldwide.
The alumni refresher vaccinology course will provide updates in the following key areas of vaccinology: immunology, vaccine development, clinical trials, regulatory processes, vaccine-specific issues including new vaccines, vaccination strategies and policies, programme implementation, humanitarian emergencies, social, economic, political and ethical issues, financing, and communications. It will also provide lectures on new areas of the discipline uncovered by previous courses.
Who can attend?
This new course is targeting health care experts which have already been trained in one of the ICAVT vaccinology courses (Alumni). If you haven't been trained yet in vaccinology, we advise you to visit the ICAVT Vaccinology Trainings catalogue to identify courses you can apply to.
The exact same online course is offered twice to allow participants for all over the world to attend (Morning + Afternoon sessions scheduled on 2 different weeks):
- Each week, 3 sessions of a half-day (3-4 hours) is offered.
- Each session of 3-4 hours contains 3 to 4 lectures of 35 minutes each.
- Each lecture consists of a 25-minutes lecture and a 10 minutes live discussion between the alumni and the lecturer, animated by the chair of the session (an ICAVT member)
- Alumni and ICAVT partners can ask questions using the Q and A section.
Every year, the course programme is submitted to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). In June 2024, it has been accredited with 5.5 credits (Event reference LEE/2024/00621 for Week 1: 4-6 June 2024 and LEE/2024/00622 for Week 2: 11-13 June 2024). The course organizer (ADVAC at the University of Geneva) checks the attendance during the course to be able to deliver the Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits adequately. Participants in the Course should be able to convert these credits through their respective professional bodies.
Lecturers & Panellists 2024
- Jakob Cramer (CEPI)
- Clare Cutland (University of Witwatersrand)
- Anna Durbin (Johns Hopkins University)
- Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz WHO)
- Joachim Hombach (WHO)
- Benjamin Kagina (University of Cape Town)
- Ranjana Kumar (GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance)
- Steve Lewandowsky (Bristol University)
- Aurélia Nguyen (GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance)
- Hanna Nohynek (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare)
- Marie-Pierre Preziosi (WHO)
- Christoph Steffen (WHO)
- Naveen Thacker (International Paediatric Association)
- Angus Thomson (Irimi)
- Marta Tufet Bayona (GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance)
- Pierre Van Damme (University of Antwerp)
- Chris Wolff (BMGF)
- Clare Cutland (University of the Witwatersrand)
- Denise Naniche (Barcelona Institute for Global Health)
- Ombeva Malande (East Africa Centre for Vaccines and Immunization)
- Kamel Senouci (University of Geneva)
- Naveen Thacker (International Paediatric Association)
- Rodolfo Villena (University of Chile)
Resources week 1
ARVAC lectures and documents - week 1
Chair - Kamel Senouci (University of Geneva) |
Lecture 1: Updates on Meningitis Vaccines - Marie-Pierre Preziosi (WHO) Presentation Video |
Lecture 2: Updates on NITAGs - Benjamin Kagina (University of Cape Town) Presentation Video |
Lecture 3: Challenges of adult immunization - Pierre Van Damme (university of Antwerp) Presentation Video |
Chair: Ombeva Malande (East Africa Centre for Vaccines and Immunization, ECAVI) |
Lecture 4: Reaching zero-dose children - Ranjana Kumar (Gavi) Presentation Video |
Lecture 5: Vaccines and AMR - Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz (WHO) Presentation Video |
Lecture 6: New clinical/regulatory framework: acceleration of vaccine licensure - Jakob Cramer (CEPI) Presentation Video |
Panel 1: What’s new on the vaccine policy and country support front? - Marta Tufet Bayona (GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance), Presentation Video, Joachim Hombach (WHO) Presentation Video |
Chair - Naveen Thacker (International Paediatric Association) |
Panel 2: Update on vaccines confidence - Naveen Thacker (International Paediatric Association) Presentation Video, Angus Thomson (Irimi) Presentation Video |
Lecture 7: Maternal Immunization - Clare Cutland (University of the Witwatersrand) Presentation Video |
Lecture 8: Lower-efficacy vaccines: what is acceptable and how to integrate more public health interventions and vaccines (e.g Malaria vaccine) - Hanna Nohynek (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) Presentation Video |
Lecture 9: Updates on Dengue and Chikungunya vaccines - Anna Durbin (Johns Hopkins University) Presentation Video |
Resources week 2
ARVAC lectures and documents - week 2
TUESDAY 11 JUNE 2024 |
Chair - Clare Cutland (ALIVE, University of the Witwatersrand) |
Lecture 1: Updates on Meningitis Vaccines - Marie-Pierre Preziosi (WHO) Presentation Video |
Lecture 9: Updates on Dengue and Chikungunya vaccines - Anna Durbin (Johns Hopkins University)Presentation Video |
Lecture 3: Challenges of the adult immunization - Pierre Van Damme (university of Antwerp) Presentation Video |
Chair - Rodolfo Villena (University of Chile) |
Panel 1: What’s new on the vaccine policy and support front? - Aurelia Nguyen (GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance) Presentation Video, Christoph Steffen (WHO) Presentation Video |
Lecture 4: Vaccines and AMR - Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz (WHO) Presentation Video |
Lecture 5: New clinical/regulatory framework: acceleration of vaccine licensure - Jakob Cramer (CEPI) Presentation Video |
Lecture 6: Reaching zero-dose children - Chris Wolff (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) Presentation Video |
Doc : Questions to Aurelia Nguyen And Christoph Steffen unanswered during the course |
Chair : Denise Naniche (ISGlobal, Spain) |
Panel 2: Update on vaccines confidence - Naveen Thacker (International Paediatric Association) Presentation Video, Steve Lewandowsky (Bristol University) Presentation Video |
Lecture 7: Maternal Immunization - Clare Cutland (University of the Witwatersrand) Presentation Video |
Lecture 8: Lower-efficacy vaccines: what is acceptable and how to integrate more public health interventions and vaccines (e.g Malaria vaccine) - Hanna Nohynek (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) Presentation Video |
Lecture 2: Updates on NITAGs - Benjamin Kagina (University of Cape Town) Presentation Video |