This registration form is only intended to be completed by persons in charge of advanced vaccinology courses who would like their course to be listed on this global vaccinology training e-Portal.

To determine the eligibility of your course to join the International Collaboration on Advanced Vaccinology Training (ICAVT),
>> please read the following statements about your course <<

The form can also be used to update information that has changed.
Data collected are limited to information necessary to list the course and facilitate its proper identification when the search criteria are applied.

The information entered will not be directly reflected on the e-Portal but will be sent by email to the e-Portal administrator who will verify the information and then activate the posting and proper filters.

Additional information

You can add a brief presentation on your advanced vaccinology course.

This space allows you to enter a short description (approx. 300 words) with, if you want, a link to a video (Youtube or Vimeo) or other web pages.

For instance

Course Representative

This information below will not be published. It simply allows us to communicate with a representative of the course website.