Eligibility of your course

To determine the eligibility of your course to join the International Collaboration on Advanced Vaccinology Training (ICAVT), please complete the following statements about your course.

1 An advanced vaccinology course Yes/No
2 Has a broad curriculum and includes content on at least five of the following areas of vaccinology:  immunology, vaccine development, clinical trials, regulatory processes, vaccine-specific issues including new vaccines, vaccination strategies and policies, vaccine/ immunization program implementation, vaccine use in humanitarian emergencies, social-, economic-, political and ethical issues-, financing-, and communication- related to vaccines/ immunization) Yes/No
3 Is focused solely on vaccinology and vaccinology-related topics (see #2 above) Yes/No
4 Has formal endorsement/ accreditation from either a tertiary training institution and/or a training accreditation institution (e.g. Continued Medical Education) Yes/No
5 Is organized by industry Yes/No
6 Is intended exclusively for one company’s employees Yes/No
7 Willing to respect and advance ICAVT’s vision, mission, and objectives Yes/No
8 Willing to adhere to the Code of Conduct of ICAVT for the sharing of resources (Annex 3) of the ICAVT’s Charter Yes/No

If the answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 are Yes, and the answers to questions 5 and 6 are No, then your course is eligible to join the Collaboration.
Requests to join will be reviewed by the Collaboration’s Steering Committee.

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